Working With Teachlondon

Working with TeachLondon

When you ask for help from TeachLondon,  you will receive a fast and transparent service. We listen and quickly respond to your staffing needs.

  • TeachLondon staff are available across two hemispheres, 24 hours a day, so if you request a teacher to interview in the afternoon, we can have an interview arranged by the following morning.
  • We understand that the more we know about your school and your specific needs, the better our support will be. We will want to meet you in person and visit your school, so we understand what your future shortlists should look like. 
  • We are educators with years of experience in educational recruitment and consultancy. Our reputation is built on providing the highest quality ECTs and experienced teachers and solving your immediate or longer-time staffing solutions. 
Australian Teacher interviews

What to expect when you partner with Teachlondon

  • Once we have a detailed description of your vacancy we will provide you with a shortlist of suitable candidates and ask you to identify the teachers you wish to interview. You will receive a comprehensive CV, profile, and a video interview of each teacher to review. The videos will address 10 commonly asked interview questions, which can be viewed in your preferred order.


  • We will be upfront with you regarding your employment options and the fees associated with each candidate. It takes upwards of 18 months to source, nurture, and transition international candidates into schools across the UK. We know each candidate incredibly well and understand their strengths and professional preferences. We respect that schools are time-poor and offer only motivated and committed candidates for schools to consider. 
Headteacher London School
  • As soon as you confirm which teachers you would like to interview and provide us with some interview times that are suitable,  we will arrange these interviews and your candidates can be ready the following morning to connect on video. 
  • Interview links will be created and sent to you and the candidates and you will be given privacy during the interview process. 
  • Post-interview your TeachLondon consultant will request feedback and if you wish to appoint a candidate, we will make that offer to them on your behalf. We recommend that you offer within 24 hours of the interview as there is a finite window of availability for candidates who are top quality and in high demand. They also need an offer in order to commit to relocating to the UK and all that is involved logistically. Year in and year out, we see the proactive schools secure the highest calibre teachers, and the schools that hesitate miss out. 
  • Once the teacher has accepted the offer, we will arrange contracts and finalise the compliance for the candidate and help them transition to the UK. This includes visa support and financial support to be used towards their flight to the UK.
Online Teacher Interviews


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