Overseas Teaching Qualifications

Australian Teacher Qualifications

Teaching qualifications in Australia and New Zealand require students to complete a  four year bachelor’s degree in education or a 1- 2 year graduate entry master’s degree in teaching. The Australian and New Zealand curriculum and their approach to teaching and learning is incredibly similar to how things are done in British schools. 

Pathways to becoming A Teacher in Australia & NZ

  • Undergraduate Degrees: Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) programs either specialise in early childhood,  primary, special needs or secondary education. These programs combine theory with practical teaching experience. Most secondary teachers in Australia qualify with two specialist teaching subjects. One is often their major and the other the minor. Australian teachers are used to jumping across key learning areas and teaching outside of their specialist areas where needed. Most ECTs have completed upwards of 4 student placements by the time they qualify. 
  • Masters of Teaching: Many universities offer graduate-entry Master of Teaching programs for students who have completed a bachelor’s degree in another field. These programs provide the necessary training to become a qualified teacher.
  • Specialist Areas: There are also specialized teaching qualifications for specific subjects or age groups, such as early childhood education, special education, or TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages).
  • Registration: After completing a teaching program, graduates need to apply for teacher registration with the relevant state or territory teacher registration board. Each state or territory in Australia has its own board responsible for teacher registration. Primary teachers need to complete a literacy and numeracy exam in order to gain their registration.
  • Proficiency and QTS-Australian and New Zealand teachers gain ‘proficiency’ after they have registered and taught for a period of time. Usually this is close to a full academic year in Australia and two years in New Zealand. When they gain proficiency in Australia, they can also apply for British Qualified Teacher Status. Provisional teachers can work in the UK without QTS for up to 4 years without issue. 
  • Practical Experience: Practical teaching experience, often through practicums or teaching placements in schools, is an integral part of teacher training programs.
  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD): Qualified teachers are also required to engage in ongoing professional development to maintain their registration and stay updated with best practices in teaching.

Canadian Teaching Qualifications

In Canada, the requirements for becoming a teacher will vary by province or territory. The Canadian curriculum content and their approach to teaching is extremely similar to British schools. However, here’s a general overview:

Canadian Teacher Qualifications

Pathways to becoming A Teacher in Canada

  • Bachelor’s Degree: Canadian teachers need a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university. While some provinces may require a specific undergraduate degree in education, others accept degrees in specific subjects along with an education degree or additional teacher certification.
  • Bachelor of Education (B.Ed): This is a common route for those aiming to become teachers and includes both theoretical study and practical teaching experiences over three or four years.
  • Masters of Teaching: Many universities offer graduate-entry Master of Teaching programs for students who have completed a bachelor’s degree in another field. These programs provide the necessary training to become a qualified teacher.
  • Teaching Certification: After completing the required education, prospective teachers need to obtain a teaching certificate or license. This certification process is regulated by each province or territory’s Ministry or Department of Education. Canadian teachers will be eligible for British QTS after completing a provisional period in their home country. This period will depend on the province and university qualification.
  • Additional Requirements: Some provinces might require specific assessments or exams, such as the Praxis Series or the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) test, as part of the certification process.
  • Language Proficiency: In certain provinces, if English or French isn’t your first language, you might need to demonstrate proficiency through language tests like IELTS or TOEFL.
  • Continuing Education: Like in many professions, teachers in Canada often have ongoing professional development requirements to maintain their certification
  • Each province or territory might have its own specific requirements and procedures. Some provinces may have agreements allowing teachers certified in one province to teach in another, but there might be additional steps or assessments required.


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